Pimp my biscuit

March 11, 2012


It is never a good thing for WikiJan to have too much time on my hands. Trouble usually follows which at times can be really good or I tend to swing way to far into the dark side. I mean look at it this way when I had a free afternoon a few months ago WikiJan followers got Pork Wellington…you got to laugh at my trials concerning the tale of two pies…oh and lets not forget Cheese straws.

Well it has happened yet again.  Early mornings on my days off  in the WikiJan household means time in the kitchen…granted The Husband while he appreciates the goods might not appreciate the banging and rattling going on a mere 30 feet away from his chosen snoozing spot.  So on this morning I got to thinking about how I could dress up my biscuits and one thing lead to another and well then the services of the Hungry Neophyte and Kentucky Fried Chick were needed.  You see they are on the “go to” list when it comes to my hair-brained cooking ideas.  THANKFULLY they seem to be up for what ever I drop off in the red white and black hounds-tooth bag.  I laugh every time I hand off said bag to H.N. you see we seem to have fallen into a bit of a ritual with our hand off…one that no matter how many times I see it just tickles me to no end.

But I digress…back to this experiment.  I was cutting out my biscuits when I thought these things need some dressing up what can I do to them and I got to thinking  they need something sweet and nutty…maybe a bit of cinnamon Ooooo inspiration struck.  Now these little dudes are super easy just whip up a batch of biscuits (rise little friends!) and head out from there. Now granted they do take a bit more time to do than regular biscuits but not a more than about 10ish minutes but that ten minutes are SO worth it!  You can use just about any nut you prefer or leave them out all together. They are  flexible and adaptable. You could even use your favorite jam if you desire.  Be sure to use parchment paper so that if the brown sugar bubbles out it doesn’t make a mess of your cookie sheet. On with the biscuit-y goodness

Pimped Biscuits

1 Buttermilk Biscuit recipe (found here)

1 c. Brown Sugar

1/2 c Butter

1 TS Cinnamon

3/4 c finely chopped Nuts

Mix up a batch of  biscuits according to the directions and turn out onto a floured cutting board rolling it out to about a 1/2″ and using a 3″ cutter cut out 12-ish rounds of biscuit dough.

Mix together the brown sugar, butter and cinnamon until combined then add in the chopped nuts.

Flatten the round of biscuit dough a bit to thin and enlarge just a tad…like so.

Flattened on the left is just slightly larger than the original cut biscuit

Place about 2-3 TBS of the sugar mixture down the middle of the flatten biscuit

Bring one side over to just past the middle of the biscuit repeat with the other side pressing down where they overlap hard enough to seal them together.

Place on a parchment covered cookie sheet and bake at 350 for about 30 minutes or until the biscuits are golden brown around the edges.

They like to ooze a bit so make parchment paper your friend and use it

If you don’t press hard enough they will pop open in the middle like above

These things are highly addictive so don’t blame me if you end up snarfing 2 or 3 right out of the oven…not that *I* would EVER do that….

Now go play with your food.



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8 Comments on “Pimp my biscuit”

  1. Julie L Says:

    DId you get my tweet about why my biscuits didn’t rise?! WHY! JAN! WHY!!!!!?!?!?!?!



    • Wikijancooks Says:

      LOL…most likely one of two or three things happened… #1 your baking powder is old, #2 you used a dull cutter or #3 when cutting them out you twisted the cutter just enough to seal the edges. Wish you had a photo so I could see what happened. Remember even in a flop you learn something.



  2. Joan Says:

    Straight to the point and well written! Why can’t everyone else be like this?



    • Wikijancooks Says:

      Thank you Joan, I liken WikiJanCooks to a conversation between myself and 4 friends who are either just starting out their cooking journey or not to far down the cooking highway with the rest of the web listening to our conversation. I strive to be as clear as possible in my directions so that there is little left to guess work.



  3. Julie L Says:

    Well I’ve been doing the 2 knives technique and i think I get too impatient so I’m ordering a pastry cutter as we speak. Any tips?



    • Wikijancooks Says:

      I use frozen butter and grate it right into the flour, by doing that then you have the perfect size pieces, toss it with your hands in the flour then add your wet ingredients. Everything comes out perfect…usually ):)



  4. scary Says:




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